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Hey there, My name is Mário Chita and I'm a Software Engineer

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A Little Bit Of My Story

FullStack Developer & Flutter Senior Developer at jupiter

Hello my name is Mário Carlos Chita I am a software engineer with 5 years of experience in web and mobile application development, I really like nature, reading books and doing physical exercise.

My historical moments


from 2017 to Nowadays

Flutter_Bloc ,RiverProvider ,Provider 95%
Google Map,Geolocation,Local Notification 60%
Firebase,SuperBase,Aws 75%
Rest Api Consumer(Dio,Http,Uno,Interceptor) 95%
TDD (Mockito) 65%
SOLID Architecture ,Repository Pattern 85%


from Angular 2 to Nowadays

Dependency Injection 100%
Modularization,Components,Input,Ouput 100%
Ngrx,Rxjs,Observables Operators 60%
Services,HttpClientModule,HttpClient,Interceptor 80%